WikiJew dataset

Alsatian Jews

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This is a database of over 40,000 Jews listed on Wikipedia.

All early life sections and categories have been automatically processed.

6 results

title full_name born died nationality occupation url
Abraham Kuhn Abraham Kuhn 1838 1900 Alsatian otolarynologist born in Bissersheim, Rhineland-Palatinate
Zadoc Kahn Zadoc Kahn 1839 1905 Alsatian rabbi and chief rabbi of France
Mathieu Dreyfus Mathieu Dreyfus 1857 1930 Alsatian Jewish industrialist and the older brother of Alfred Dreyfus, a French military officer falsely convicted of treason in what became known as the Dreyfus affair
Johanan Luria Johanan ben Aaron ben Nathanael Luria null null Alsatian Talmudist
Nathan Katz (poet) Nathan Katz 1892 1981 Alsatian Jewish poet from the Sundgau region
Issachar Bär ben Judah Carmoly Issachar Bär ben Judah Carmoly 1735 1781 Alsatian rabbiär_ben_Judah_Carmoly