WikiJew dataset

Castilian Jews

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This is a database of over 40,000 Jews listed on Wikipedia.

All early life sections and categories have been automatically processed.

4 results

title full_name born died nationality occupation url
Tomás de Torquemada Tomás de Torquemada 1420 1498 Castilian friar and first Grand Inquisitor in Spain's movement to homogenize religious practices with those of the Catholic Church in the late 15th century, otherwise known as the Spanish Inquisitionás_de_Torquemada
Juan Alfonso de Baena Juan Alfonso de Baena none 1435 Castilian medieval poet and scribe in the court of Juan II of Castile
Pero Ferrús Pero Ferrús 1380 n/a Castilian poetús
Juan de Valladolid Juan de Valladolid 1420 none Castilian poet