WikiJew dataset

Jewish bohemians

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This is a database of over 40,000 Jews listed on Wikipedia.

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6 results

title full_name born died nationality occupation url
Peggy Guggenheim Marguerite "Peggy" Guggenheim 1898 1979 American art collector, bohemian and socialite
Else Lasker-Schüler Else Lasker-Schüler 1869 1945 German Jewish poet and playwright famous for her bohemian lifestyle in Berlin and her poetryüler
Mina Loy Mina Loy 1882 1966 British artist, writer, poet, playwright, novelist, painter, designer of lamps, and bohemian
Romany Marie Marie Marchand 1885 1961 null Greenwich Village restaurateur who played a key role in bohemianism from the early 1900s through the late 1950s in Manhattan
Justina Blakeney Justina Blakeney null null American designer, artist, interior designer, writer, and speaker who is well-known by the bright colorful and vibrant bohemian style
Jacques Katmor Jacques Mory-Katmor 1938 2001 Israeli bohemian/counterculture experimental filmmaker, painter, and, multimedia artist, of anarchical, underground, and, independent leanings