WikiJew dataset

Jewish geneticists

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This is a database of over 40,000 Jews listed on Wikipedia.

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51 results

title full_name born died nationality occupation url
Richard Lewontin Richard Charles Lewontin 1929 2021 American evolutionary biologist, mathematician, geneticist, and social commentator
Harry Ostrer Harry Ostrer null null null medical geneticist who investigates the genetic basis of common and rare disorders
Stephen Oppenheimer Stephen Oppenheimer 1947 n/a British paediatrician, geneticist, and writer
Eric Lander Eric Steven Lander 1957 n/a American mathematician and geneticist who served as the 11th director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy and Science Advisor to the President, serving on the Cabinet in both capacities
Stanley Norman Cohen Stanley Norman Cohen 1935 n/a American geneticist and the Kwoh-Ting Li Professor in the Stanford University School of Medicine
Hermann Joseph Muller Hermann Joseph Muller 1890 1967 American geneticist, educator, and Nobel laureate best known for his work on the physiological and genetic effects of radiation (mutagenesis), as well as his outspoken political beliefs
Alberto Piazza Alberto Piazza 1941 n/a Italian human geneticist, Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Turin
Walter Bodmer Sir Walter Fred Bodmer 1936 n/a German human geneticist
Richard Goldschmidt Richard Benedict Goldschmidt 1878 1958 German geneticist
Richard Levins Richard "Dick" Levins 1930 2016 null ex-tropical farmer turned ecologist, a population geneticist, biomathematician, mathematical ecologist, and philosopher of science who researched diversity in human populations
Michael Rosbash Michael Morris Rosbash 1944 n/a American geneticist and chronobiologist
Solomon Levit Solomon Grigorievich Levit 1894 1938 Soviet physician, and human geneticist who was executed during the Stalinist purges along with other geneticists who opposed Trofim Lysenko
Mira Aroyo Mira Aroyo 1977 n/a Bulgarian singer, musician, songwriter, DJ, and geneticist
Baruch Samuel Blumberg Baruch Samuel Blumberg 1925 2011 American physician, geneticist, and co-recipient of the 1976 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (with Daniel Carleton Gajdusek), for his work on the hepatitis B virus while an investigator at the NIH. He was president of the American Philosophical Society from 2005 until his death
Seymour Benzer Seymour Benzer 1921 2007 American physicist, molecular biologist and behavioral geneticist
Bruce Beutler Bruce Alan Beutler 1957 n/a American immunologist and geneticist
Charlotte Auerbach Charlotte "Lotte" Auerbach FRS FRSE 1899 1994 German geneticist who contributed to founding the science of mutagenesis
Vladimir Pavlovich Efroimson Vladimir Pavlovich Efroimson 1908 1989 null one of the most Soviet prominent geneticists, a former student of Nikolai Koltsov, who was among the scientists who had to struggle against the persecution of geneticists in the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union
Matthew Meselson Matthew Stanley Meselson 1930 n/a null geneticist and molecular biologist currently at Harvard University, known for his demonstration, with Franklin Stahl, of semi-conservative DNA replication
Marshall Warren Nirenberg Marshall Warren Nirenberg 1927 2010 American biochemist and geneticist
Jon Beckwith Jonathan Roger Beckwith 1935 n/a American microbiologist and geneticist
Leonard Herzenberg Leonard Arthur "Len" Herzenberg 1931 2013 null immunologist, geneticist and professor at Stanford University
David Reich (geneticist) David Emil Reich 1974 n/a American geneticist known for his research into the population genetics of ancient humans, including their migrations and the mixing of populations, discovered by analysis of genome-wide patterns of mutations
Howard Martin Temin Howard Martin Temin 1934 1994 American geneticist and virologist
Michael Stuart Brown Michael Stuart Brown ForMemRS 1941 n/a American geneticist and Nobel laureate
Jeffrey M. Friedman Jeffrey M. Friedman 1954 n/a null molecular geneticist at New York City's Rockefeller University and an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Renata Laxova Renata Laxova 1931 2020 American pediatric geneticist and a professor of genetics at the Departments of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics, Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Brett Abrahams Brett Abrahams 1973 n/a null geneticist and neuroscientist involved in the identification and subsequent functional characterization of the autism-related gene CNTNAP2 with Dan Geschwind at UCLA.B. S. Abrahams, D. Tentler, J. V. Perederiy, M. C. Oldham, G. Coppola, D. H. Geschwind, Genome-wide analyses of human perisylvian cerebral cortical patterning
Charles Yanofsky Charles Yanofsky 1925 2018 American geneticist on the faculty of Stanford University who contributed to the establishment of the one gene-one enzyme hypothesis and discovered attenuation, a riboswitch mechanism in which messenger RNA changes shape in response to a small molecule and thus alters its binding ability for the regulatory region of a gene or operon
Guido Pontecorvo Guido Pellegrino Arrigo Pontecorvo FRS FRSE 1907 1999 Italian geneticist
Boris Ephrussi Boris Ephrussi 1901 1979 null Russo-French geneticist
Pamela Ronald Pamela C. Ronald 1961 n/a American plant pathologist and geneticist
Daniel Chamovitz Daniel Chamovitz 1963 n/a American plant geneticist and the 7th President of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beer-Sheva, Israel
Elizabeth F. Neufeld Elizabeth Fondal Neufeld 1928 n/a French geneticist whose research has focused on the genetic basis of metabolic disease in humans
Curt Stern Curt Stern 1902 1981 German geneticist
Salome Gluecksohn-Waelsch Salome Gluecksohn-Waelsch 1907 2007 German U.S. geneticist and co-founder of the field of developmental genetics, which investigates the genetic mechanisms of development
Otto Frankel Sir Otto Herzberg Frankel FRS FAA FRSNZ 1900 1998 Austrian geneticist
Liane Russell Liane Brauch "Lee" Russell 1923 2019 Austrian geneticist and conservationist
Shirley Hodgson Professor Shirley Victoria Hodgson DM, DObst RCOG, DCH, FRCP, FRSB 1945 n/a British geneticist
David Latchman David Seymour Latchman CBE 1956 n/a British geneticist and university administrator
Mayana Zatz Mayana Zatz 1947 n/a Brazilian molecular biologist and geneticist
Kurt Hirschhorn Kurt Hirschhorn 1926 n/a Austrian pediatrician, medical geneticist, and cytogeneticist who identified the chromosomal defects that underlie Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome
Hans Grüneberg Hans Grüneberg 1907 1982 British geneticistüneberg
Michael Cohen (doctor) M. Michael Cohen Jr. 1937 2018 American pathologist and geneticist who was Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University (Emeritus)
Herschel L. Roman Herschel Lewis Roman 1914 1989 null geneticist famous for popularizing the use of yeast in genetic research
Maurice Sanford Fox Maurice Sanford Fox 1924 2020 American geneticist and molecular biologist, and professor of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he served as department chair between 1985 and 1989
J. M. Robson John Michael 'Rab' Rabinovich FRSE FRCS FRCSE LLD 1900 1982 null geneticist and physicist who co-founded the science of mutagenesis by mutations in fruit flies exposed to mustard gas
Albert Dorfman Albert Dorfman 1916 1982 American biochemical geneticist, notable for discovery of the cause of Hurler's syndrome
Adrian Krainer (scientist) Adrian Robert Krainer null null Uruguayan biochemist and molecular geneticist known for his research into RNA gene-splicing
Ernst Caspari Ernst Wolfgang Caspari 1909 1988 German geneticist known for his research on behavioral and developmental genetics
Elisabeth Goldschmidt Elisabeth Goldschmidt 1912 1970 German geneticist who founded the genetics program at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem